Season’s greetings to all our campers!A smiling photo of Eva Hayes, ECM Board Chair

I would like to take a moment to express my appreciation to Ralph Morby, our outgoing Board chair, who has been a solid rock during COVID.  I now introduce myself as the new Evergreen Christian Ministries Board Chair.

I am honoured to serve in this position and to serve you, our campers, as we enter 2021.  I am currently serving at Elgin Missionary Church in Stratford as Executive Pastor.  I have been attending Stayner Camp for many years and was a youth sponsor during Pitch & Praise at Stayner, where my three children learned more about Jesus and a deeper relationship with Him.   My husband and I have a trailer at Stayner and love to “escape” to rest, relax and renew in our busy world.  This is my third year on the Board of Directors, who are all committed to serving you and the Lord.

As 2020 ends I am not sure that any of us are sorry, it has been quite a year!  No one could have predicted or planned for how it turned out.  We all began the year with many hopes, plans and dreams.  Things did not turn out quite as we had thought.  However, we have learned that God is still in control.  He has provided strength for those who are weak and comfort for those who grieve, He gives hope to those in despair.  He is forever faithful.  We have learned that we have amazing staff who were able to pivot and roll with the restrictions that changed on a weekly and sometimes hourly basis.   We have learned that you, our campers, are dedicated and committed, and you remained steadfast and faithful.  Thank you.

Despite the unknowns for 2021 we continue to look forward.  Our Managing Directors are developing a Plan A and a Plan B, for our next season: Plan A in the hope that we can have a somewhat normal camping season and Plan B, a modified camping season in line with prevailing restrictions.  Regardless of how the new year looks we continue to look to the Lord who is not surprised by anything.

The Board of Directors wishes each of you a blessed, peaceful, and safe Christmas Season.  We will be keeping you informed as plans unfold and look forward to reuniting with you in our 2021 camping season.

– Eva Hayes
ECM Board Chair

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