As a part of our 50th Anniversary celebrations, we want to gather stories from Mishewah Staff and Campers near and far! We will have opportunities for people to share and record their stories at camp this summer, but if you are unable to attend, we would still LOVE to hear from you!
Would you be willing to record a video sharing your memories of Camp Mishewah? We are looking for camp memories and stories that could include:
  • when you attended Mish and what programs/roles you were a part of
  • if you were involved in the beginning of Mishewah: your memories of how the camp started
  • what Mishewah means to you
  • why you love Mishewah
  • how Mishewah has impacted your life
  • how you have seen Mishewah impact lives around you
  • if you made a decision to follow Jesus, had a call to ministry, or other significant spiritual experience at camp
  • a memorable experience, event, or summer at camp
  • if you met your spouse at camp: your Mishewah Love Story
  • your hopes and dreams for Camp Mishewah
  • anything else you might want to share
You can share as long or as many stories as you like, as we will use pieces from different people in various ways.
You can then send/share your photos and videos to [email protected] (Please film videos in landscape/horizontally)
We would also love to see photos or video footage from your time at camp!
Feel free to email any questions to: [email protected].
Thanks for your help with this special project as we celebrate this momentous occasion!

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